Streamlined versions of my current pedal range, with the same core circuitry and tones as their bigger siblings, but with a stripped back control setup in an elegant mini pedal format.
Every pedal in these small batch runs is lovingly and meticulously designed, handmade and hand-wired in England by Neil R. Grimes using top quality components.
PUMPER = high headroom clean boost
PURRER = natural toned overdrive
FUZZER = vinatge inspired fuzz
POKER = vintage inspired tone boost
High headroom clean boost & buffer utilising a low noise op-amp and internal voltage doubling circuitry to create over 25dB of clean boost with a full range frequency response.
The GAIN control is your boost amount, going from unity signal level and smoothly transitioning to LOADS of full-range level boost! Great as a post-gain output level boost or a pre-gain drive boost.
With the GAIN control at minumum, the PUMPER operates as a unity gain buffer/line-driver with an extremely natural tone and fell - just like running straight into your amp with a short cable. But the active buffering means you can drive long cables lengths and passive signal chains with no loss of signal clarity and strength.
High quality mechanical true-bypass footswitching.
Standard 9VDC powering (centre negative, 2.1mm barrel type plug).
Natural toned overdrive with a wide range of gain and tonal responses, utilising a low noise opamp and high headroom soft clipping original circuit design.
The PURRER beautifully enhances and integrates with any guitar, bass, amp and pedal setup, mainly thanks to its adaptable full-range tonality and very dynamic overdrive response.
The external GAIN control ranges from boosted cleans, through sweet natural breakup with lovely harmonic content, to medium gain overdrive with natural compression that always maintains the organic tone and feel of your instrument.
The internal trim controls are preset for a very natural toned but characterful and inspiring overdrive, but these can be adjusted and fine tuned by the user to their own tastes:
LOUD = master output level trimmer - can be adjusted for preffered volume balance or for more boost.
TREB = high frequency filtering - can be adjusted for more treble and clarity or for a warmer tonality.
BASS = low frequency filtering - can be adjusted for fatter overdrive tones or a tighter low end response.
High quality mechanical true-bypass footswitching.
Standard 9VDC powering (centre negative, 2.1mm barrel type plug).
Vintage inspired fuzz with a pair of carefully selected low gain silicon transistors at its heart, offering a really wide range of classic and original fuzz tones, textures and responses.
The FUZZER interacts highly with your instrument's passive volume and tone controls to create cleaner responses and smoother tones.
The external LOUD control sets the master output level, with LOADS of volume on tap to really push your amp.
The internal trim controls are preset for a dynamic and open fuzz response, but these can be adjusted and fine tuned by the user to their own tastes:
BIAS = transistor voltage biasing - adjust for preffered response, from gated and squashy to bold and punchy.
FUZZ = fuzz instensity - can be reduced for overall less attack and fuzz gain, also creating more clean-up.
High quality mechanical true-bypass footswitching.
Standard 9VDC powering (centre negative, 2.1mm barrel type plug).
Vintage inspired tone boost, with a single low gain silicon transistor at its heart... essentially my take and developemnt on the classic "treble booster" type circuits.
Creates an extremely charactful and dynamic gain boost with a focussed vocal-like tonailty and a very adictive vintage flavour. Great for pushing an overdrive pedal or amp on the edge of break-up into sweet singing saturation.
Interacts highly with your guitar's passive volume and tone controls for a wide range of cleaner, sparlier and warmer tonal reponses.
Single external LOUD control of master output level, which dictates how hard you are driving your following pedals and amp. Push this up for even more focussed punch and saturation.
The internal controls are preset for a smooth and focussed tone with a tight low end response, but these can be adjusted and fine tuned by the user to their own tastes:
TREB = high frequncy filtering - can be adjusted a more bright and attacking or warm and smooth tonality.
GAIN = transitor gain level - can be reduced for cleaner response with a more relaxed and softer feel.
BASS = low frequency boost switch - switch this down for an overall fatter tonal response.
BIAS = transistor voltage biasing - preset for optimal tone and response, so I recommend this leaving alone.
High quality mechanical true-bypass footswitching.
Standard 9VDC powering (centre negative, 2.1mm barrel type plug).